CNBC Ad Sales
When the dot com bubble burst and the economy sank into recession, popular financial cable channel CNBC took a hit in viewership: Watching the stock market didn't seem quite like a recreational sport anymore. Coming back strong in 2001, however, CNBC wanted to draw high-end advertisers back to the channel by crafting a compelling story about the desirability of the CNBC audience and the continued relevance of CNBC programming. On the eve of the 2002 Upfront Sales season, I was brought in by CNBC Ad Sales to help create the marketing collateral that would tell that story.

  • collaborated with Director of Ad Sales/Marketing to determine theme for the 2002 Upfront Sales presentation.
  • scripted the 2002 Upfront Sales presentation used by all domestic CNBC sales reps to generate ad revenue for CNBC.
  • created PowerPoint version of 2002 Upfront Sales presentation to be incorporated into TalkShow, a customizable, Flash-based, presentation application.
  • contributed the concept for CNBC's "Think Outside the House" launch party, an extravagant affair that kicked off the 2002 Upfront Sales season.
  • drafted talent bios and show descriptions for the redesign of
  • wrote editorial for and designed CNBC sales event takeaway brochures.
  • wrote copy and produced graphics for email blast newsletters.

    CNBC Ad Sales

    HTML, PhotoShop, Illustrator, Excel, Word.

    where & when
    freelance, New York, NY.
    January - May 2002.

  • click thumbnails for screenshots